Our New Positioning

The launch of our new website at the beginning of the year @ www.imediagroup.co.uk outlines our passion and interest in creating meaningful experiences.

We have been creating high quality experiences and events for some of the world’s best companies for fifteen years.

However, what makes us different is our work and focus on “peak” experiences, those moments of inspiration that can make profound differences to people’s lives.

From these can come the insights that uncover true values, provide purpose, realise dreams and fulfil potential.

We therefore describe ourselves as a “Peak Experience Agency”.

Our Why

For the past five years we have been carrying out our own Research & Development on peak experience, working with psychologists, organisations and the latest research. We wanted to understand why some events and experiences were life-changing and others “merely good.”

We therefore set up ‘The Wondrlust Project’, a series of internal research projects and programmes to understand better where the stardust came from that would make our work truly special. We devised seven principles and a simple formula to create a moment that creates meaning and leads to deep emotional connections and life changing experiences.

How We Do It

This Research & Development work has been the engine that has driven and defined us. It is now incubated in our Wondr Academy where we aspire to become established at the forefront of work on peak experience.

What We Do

And we now want to open up this work and the Academy to the wider world. We want to create experiences, environments and events that transcend marketing solutions.

And we invite you to be part of this fast-moving field of research, for your benefit and those you live and work with. Whether it is just to satisfy your initial curiosity, involvement in R&D development and pilots, bespoke project work or courses and seminars.

At the very least, we would be delighted to meet you for an initial conversation to see how you might like to sample what it is we do.