Reboot 2019

Throughout 2019 we ran a series of events and activities under the name of “Reboot”, to better understand the link between physical and mental health. In 2020 our world has been turned upside down, and what we learned last year is even more relevant this year.

At our first event we had a series of 15 minute talks from medical professionals on the 4 pillars of Physical Health – Exercise, Sleep, Sunlight, Nutrition. We filmed these talks and they are available for you to watch by clicking on the links below.

Throughout the rest of the year we held a number of activities including the Hyde Park 10km run, London to Brighton bike ride, Serpentine Swim and a Mini-Triathlon. Hundreds of you attended, and there are some fantastic photographs available for you to download, to remind and inspire.

Many of you kindly donated to the Charlie Waller Memorial Trust who we supported throughout the year. They do amazing work in mental health, but their income has been significantly affected and therefore if you use the photographs or watch the videos we would ask you to support the Trust by donating here.


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There are wonderful photographs of the events. If you would like to use, please do support the Charlie Waller Memorial Trust by DONATING HERE.


Launch Event - The Ivy, London – 1st March 2019

launch camera


Run - Hyde Park, London – 13th April 2019

Run Camera


Cycle - London to Brighton – 16th June 2019

Bike Camera


Swim - Serpentine, London – 21st September 2019

Swim camera


Finale - Indoor/Outdoor Mini Triathlon – 17th November 2019

Tri Camera


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There are some very informative 15min films on Performance under Pressure, Exercise, Sleep, Sunlight, Nutrition and the Trust. If you would like to use, please do support the Charlie Waller Memorial Trust by DONATING HERE.


Resiliance - Dr Phil Hopley - MBBS (Dist), MRCPsych

Exploring the relationship between pressure and the approach to building personal resilience



Exercise - Dr Amit Mistry – BSc MBChB MRCPsych

Regular exercise is associated with improved physical and mental wellbeing



Sunlight -  Dr Hélène du P Menagé – BSc, MBBS, FRCP

Exploring the relationship between Sunlight and Health



Sleep - Prof Russell Foster – CBE BSc PhD DSc FRSB FMedSci FRS

Sleep is fundamental to our wellbeing and health



Nutrition - Dr Georgina Chan - BSc MBBS MSc (Dist) MRSPH MRCPsych ANutr

Research is starting to show the importance on diet on mental acuity and wellbeing



Charlie Waller Memorial Trust - The Rt Hon Sir Mark Waller – Chairman of The Charlie Waller Memorial Trust

Depression can be treated – talking about it is the first step


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reboot blog

The Wondr Project’s purpose is to design experiences to help people learn how to perform to their best in good times and bad. Reboot2019 was organised at our cost, so attendees could then financially support the Charlie Waller Memorial Trust. If you enjoy these photographs and videos please make a donation here.


If you would like to talk to us click here